The FN Model D is a light machine gun of Belgian origin. The weapon is a derivative of the M1918 BAR and the most developed variant made.
The FN Model D was developed by FN Herstal as the FN Model 1930 chambered in 7.65x53mm Belgian Mauser and adopted by the Belgian Army. The Model 1930 was a licensed copy of the Colt Automatic Machine Rifle, Model 1925 (R 75). The Mle Model had a different gas regulator and a pistol grip section with an ROF controller designed by Dieudonné Saive.
In 1932, Belgium adopted a new version of the FN Model 1930 allocated the service designation of "FN Model D" (D = demountable or "removable") which had a quick change barrel, shoulder rest and a simplified take down method for field stripping and maintenance. The Model D was produced even after World War II in variants chambered in .30-06 and 7.62x51mm NATO rounds. The last variant was the Model DA1 chambered in the 7.62×51mm NATO round and fed from 20-round FN FAL magazines.
During World War II, the Chinese Nationalist Army used FN M1930 rifles chambered in 7.92×57mm Mauser.
The FN Model D is a gas operated light machine gun. It comes with a removable barrel, gas regulator and a pistol grip trigger section with an ROF (rate of fire) controller. It also came with a hinged shoulder plate and was adapted for tripod mount.