Gun Wiki

Gunpedia has a truncated ranking system based on the USMC. These ranks are for you to request then insert into your signature. This system was set up to promote more Gun Wiki participation. By no means are you obligated.

  • Some of the ranks have near the same qualifications but differ as to their pay grade (PG) or rank. This differance is for those that wish to associate them selves with either the Enlisted, Warrant or Officer ranks.

Also, if you are from a different country or prefer a different branch of service's insignia, you may use that rank; just as long as it coincides with the qualifications.

Finally, if you are former (F), active duty [reservist even if on the inactive list] (AD) or retired (R) Military, Law Enforcement or Fire Fighter you may use your “current” rank with the (F), (AD) or (R) at the rear of that rank. There are no qualifications. Gun Wiki thanks you for your service; no matter what country you belong to.

To view each users rank, please click here.

Rank Table[]

  • Please use Talk Page to request a Rank.

Pay Grade Rank Abbreviated Qualifications
Gun Wiki Founder GWF Jocke Pirat
Commander in Chief CC Bureaucrat/Dtlwarrior
General of Gun Wiki GenGW Bureaucrat/Smoke.
O10 General Gen Administrator
O6 Colonel Col Rank + User of the Quarter
O4 Major Maj Rank + 2000 edits
O3 Captain Cap Rank + 1000 edits + Article of the Quarter
O2 Lieutenant Lt Rank + 500 edits + 2 articles
W4 Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 Rank + 2000 edits + Article of the Quarter
W1 Warrant Officer WO Rank + 1000 edits + 2 articles
Sergeant Major of Gun Wiki SgtMajGW Bureaucrat/Greg Glover
E9 Master Gunnery Sergeant MGySgt Administrator/Riley Huntley
E8 Master Sergeant MSgt Rank + User of the Quarter
E7 Gunnery Sergeant GySgt Rank + 2000 edits + Article of the Quarter
E6 Staff Sergeant SSgt Rank + 1500 edits + 4 articles
E5 Sergeant Sgt Rank + 1000 edits + 3 articles
E4 Corporal Cpl Rank + 500 edits + 2 articles
E3 Lance Corporal LCpl Rank + 200 edits + 1 articles
E2 Private First Class PFC Rank + Full Profile
E1 Private Pvt Registered